Now more than ever, it is crucial that we look for ways to repurpose and share the clothing that we already have instead of contributing to the demand for more. 

With the fast fashion industry contributing to 10% of annual greenhouse gas emissions, we currently have produced enough clothing for the next six generations of humanity. The slow fashion movement encourages us to be more intent and meaningful in the way that we dress. In a time of such mass production and overconsumption, why support big fast fashion companies that rely heavily on child labor when we can instead reuse what we already have? 

There are countless ways to mend, transform, and refresh the clothing that already exists - if you’re looking for inspiration, feel free to email, and I’d be more than happy to send some ideas your way! It’s time to leave overconsumption behind and engage in more cost-free creativity, for both the originality of our wardrobes and the vitality of our planet.